Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Firestarter Site - Home of the free....

We are a new non profit site, welcoming everyone's views and ideas, promoting freedom to express your thoughts. The only request the editor Crystal Forest has is for you guys to think before you react.

Read the short preview article for The 5 Elements OF The Mind: Firestarter Articles

WARNING: The Firestarter Blog is created for the free thinkers to express how they feel about provocative issues and topics. Please do not join the forum if you are too sensitive and easily offended.

There is always the clashing of the minds, all too brilliant to control, or so we think... The dynamics of contradicting, competing and provoking minds, wrestling with each other, brought about destruction, hatred, war, blood shed, deception and rage; but can also bring justice, peace, unity, innovation, creativeness and progress... 

The truth is in the mind, therefore, everyone wants to be right, but very few want to be true... 

Rottencandy AKA Crystal

Add fuel to the fire by participating in our forums, go to the Forums Tab, where all the action takes place. 
Be heard and be free. Respond to the ongoing forums or suggest new topics, go to this link: Forums

Contribute articles, materials, links, suggestions and even your ads by emailing us:

New Forum Topic: March 07, 2011 

March 09 - GEMINI ON FIRE!!! Great questions and topics from visitors... we love it!!! keep them coming! 
March 10 - NIC MADLAYAN HAS FINALLY AGREED TO JOIN OUR FORUM... He has set all our foundation of correct and rational approach to thought process and Inductive Study. What an honor and privilege to have him around. 
March 11 - THE FORUM IS EVOLVING... As to the direction where it's going, I am predicting a maneuver, but I would like to think that it remains a room for thoughts and great ideas... as it is meant to be that way from it's establishment... JOIN US!!!
March 16 = So the forum still retains the same topic, as there were new comments... I am getting what I aimed for, provocation...

 2012 - What's in store for us??? What is the U.S. not disclosing... Do we have a reason to panic?
Hellyer's Keynote Speech 

The Horror Of Being There